日本財団 図書館


Features of the radio block system are:


(1) The train driver at station "A" pushes the departure button of his onboard transmitter, which sends the train's inherent identity code to station "A" equipment via the ground antenna and radio equipment. The block between both stations is set automatically after block-require/permission messages are exchanged between stations "A" and "B" via the transmission cable. Then, the departure signal route of station "A" is set automatically.


(2) When the train starts, "A" unlocks the departure-signal route automatically and informs "B" that the train has started. "B" receives the information and sets its home- signal route automatically.


(3) When the train arrives at "B", the block is unlocked after the consistency of the train's identity codes that have been newly received/registered is confirmed.


As described above, a series of procedures are set into motion automatically after the initial action of the driver, giving way to unmanned stations. Traffic conditions on the line are indicated on the CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) of the control station that supervises train operations for the line.






Fig. 8 Radio block system





